"A derelict area beneath a series of overpasses in the West Don Lands is going to be transformed into an urban jewel"
Funny I am coming across all of these great projects going on in Canada, and Toronto in particular. It is really great to read about all that is happening to Toronto as it has often been defined by sprawl and a gloomy, dull appearance.
It is apparent the local government is making a real effort in contributing to urban environments making them more user friendly and enjoyable. The city is home to over 2 million residents and thriving urban centres and urban communities need effective public space. It is the experiences that humans have in the environments they occupy that enables meaningful relationships to be created. The attachment of meaning to 'space' therefore creates 'place'! Moreover the positive interactions people have in their environments encourages a sense of identity. This is what we want, residents feeling a part of the spaces they spend most of their time in!
Do you ever think about the everyday environments you live in? Do they contribute positively to your overall experience? How would you feel without them? How could they offer you more?
Underpass Park as they have named it will be a bright new neighbourhood destination. A part of a promised revitalization project in creating Torontos next great neighbourhood. It will take a derelict, unused space (underpasses often are), and produce an innovative urban park. It will feature a socially engaging park for community members of all ages and abilities, incorporating public art, recreational space, climbing structures, flexible community space, community gardens, and public gathering places. Sustainable best practices will be used in the design as well, including the reuse of granite cobblestones, use of recycled rubber materials for the recreational areas, planting of over 50 trees, and using energy efficient LED lighting to name a few.
A refreshing, creative use of space. I look forward to following its progress and want to hear the reviews!
You should really come check out all the great things going on in Toronto! I love this city.