Last week a kilometre stretch of the Champes Elysees in Paris was transformed into a massive strip of farmland. The event lasted 2 days and was organized by The Jeunes Agricultures (Young Farmers) Union which represents around 55,000 farmers under the age of 35yrs and the French Forest industry. The avenue was covered in greenery from trees to lavender and flowers, live stock too!
The purpose of the event was to raise awareness about the decrease in farm revenues and reconnect the city of Paris with its farmers outside the city. It was to show off what they are all about and to inspire and encourage people to be more involved with the farming industry again.
"Do they want the cheapest products in the world or do they want products that pay producers?"
This is an issue I think farmers worldwide are facing. We are losing touch with where our food comes from. Buying oranges that have travelled half way across the world from California, or unknowingly buying local product but that has travelled to China and back to be packaged! These choices are not only affecting local farmers and the local agriculture industry but are also contruting to negative environmental decision making.